The Shannara Trilogy: Book 1: First King of Shannara Издательство: Orbit, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 544 стр ISBN 978-1-84149-547-7 Язык: Английский Формат: 125x200 инфо 4903o.

The prequel to one of the most popular Fantasy series of all time A spellbinding tale of adventure, magic and myth After the terrible misuse of magic during the First War of the Races, the Druids at Paranor ввьэъdevoted themselves to the study of the old sciences But dark forces were on the move from the Northlands, and at the heart of the evil tide was an archmage and former Druid named Brona One man understood that if the peoples of the Four Lands were to escape eternal suвогьпbjugation they would need to unite But even united, they would need a weapon - something so powerful that the evil magic of Brona, the Warlock Lord, would fail before its might And thus was forged the Sword of Shannara… Автор Терри Брукс Terry Brooks Родился в провинциальном городке в штате Иллинойс Окончил университет Вашингтона-Ли, получил диплом юриста, некоторое время работал адвокатом, но вскоре подчинился зову сердца и ушел "на вольные хлеба" (стать писателем Брвтмюяукс мечтал с самого детства) .